Urtext, Archetype, Fluidity or Textual Convergence

Tuesday, 5 November

9:15 Jean-Sébastien Rey, Stefan Schorch, Opening

9:45 Ron Hendel (University of California, Berkeley), Open and Closed Books in Ancient Israel: Two Kinds of Scribal Practice

10:25 Pause

10:45 Noam Mizrahi (Tel Aviv University), Paradise Lost and Regained: Redefining the Urtext and the Goals of Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible

11:25 Matthieu Richelle (Faculté libre de théologie évangélique, Vaux-sur-Seine), Theoretical and Practical Reflections on P. Kahle’s Model


14:05 Corrado Martone (Università degli Studi di Torino), In Praise of the Conjecture. The Emendatio Ope Ingenii after Qumran

14:45 Benjamin Ziemer (Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg), The Stemmatic Method – a Useful Tool to Evaluate Assumptions on Literary Growth

15:25 Pause

15:45 Martin Tscheu (Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg), How Many Books of Ezekiel?

16:25 Verónica Moreno Arjona (Université de Lorraine), Linguistic Peculiarities of 4Q383-4Q391: Between the Aramaic Influence and the Ideological Lexical Innovations

17:05 Pause

17:20 Ingrid Lilly (Wofford College), Empirical Data and a Disciplined Imagination: Hebrew Editing in the Textual History of Ezekiel



Wednesday, 6 November

9:00 Emanuel Tov (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), The Search for an Original Text Form of the Hebrew Bible: Theory and Praxis

9:40 Gary Martin (University of Washington), Constructing and Evaluating Textual Histories and Text-Critical Editions of Decalogue Texts, with Applications to the Interests of Non-Specialists

10:20 Pause

10:40 Jennifer Andruska (Université de Lorraine), Urtext or Textual Plurality? Early Versions of the Song of Songs

11:20 Kirsten Maria Schäfers (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn/ Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Dealing with the Elusive „Urtext“ in Pentateuchal Research. Recent Developments in the Textual History of the Book of Numbers and How To Implement Them into Pentateuchal Exegesis


14:00 Eléonore Cellard (Collège de France), La transmission du Coran dans les premiers siècles de l’Islam: les variantes des manuscrits et la question de l’archétype

14:40 Ralf Elger (Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg), Scribes as Authors: Arabic Manuscripts

15:20 Pause

15:40 Franck Ueberschaer (Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg), The Difference is Not "Small" – But What is Distinguished from What?

16:20 Stefan Schorch (Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg), Le manuscrit à l’époque de sa reproduction numérique



Thursday, 7 November

9:00 Jan Joosten  (University of Oxford), Parallel Editions and the Question of the Urtext. Evidence from 1 Kings

9:40 Annette Weissenrieder (Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg), Tabernacular testimonii in Exodus Vetus Latina [Manuscript 104 (Munich Clm 6225)] and Romans 3:28

10:20 Pause

10:40 Innocent Himbaza (Université de Fribourg), Should We Assume One Archetype Behind the Textual Diversity of the Pentateuch?

11:20 Pablo Torijano Morales & Andres Piquer Otero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), 2 Kings 4: Between Typology and Redaction


Université de Lorraine, Metz – salle Ferrari
Jean-Sébastien Rey (Université de Lorraine), Stefan Schorch (Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg), Jennifer Andruska (Université de Lorraine)
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