Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 2023/43. Jg/Bd. 73
Martin Thunert, Doris G. Eibl, Katja Sarkowsky, Maria Löschnigg, Alex Demeulenaere2023
148 pp.
FRÉDÉRICK GUILLAUME DUFOUR, DJAMILA MONES: Populismes, Nationalismes et Économie Politique du Pétrole au Canada
DANIEL DUMAS: Pipeline Dreams and Nightmares: Media Representation of Indigenous Peoples and the Trans Mountain Expansion Project
OTILIA TEODORESCU-STADLER: “I Need You to Be Somewhere”: Margaret Atwood´s Ecopoetics of Hope and Endurance in Dearly
CAROLINE ROSENTHAL: ‘Shale Breaking into Literacy’: Signifying Matter in Don McKay’s Geopoetry
BARBARA SCHELLHAMMER: Reading Split Tooth – Lessons of the Sovereign Erotic I take away and still grapple with
SUSAN HODGETT: Thinking aNew: How Canadian Studies Underpinned the Birth of New Area Studies
Futures of Canadian Studies/L’avenir des Études canadiennes
ISIS LUXENBURGER, DIANA THIESEN: An Emerging Scholars’ Perspective
EMMA CROLL-BAEHRE: Canadian Studies in a Crisis of Identity?
SAMANTHA STEVENS: Canada at the Crossroads?
SARA CASKO SOLÍS: The Future of Canadian Studies: A Spanish Perspective
MARILYNE LAMER: Pleins feux sur l'avenir des Études littéraires canadiennes
MANUEL SOUSA OLIVEIRA: The Future of Canadian Studies in Portugal
YVONNE K. JENDE: The Future of Canadian Studies: On Plowing a Lonely Furrow